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The US warns tourists to use extreme caution if they visit Mexico


The United States government issued a warning about the precautions that tourists from their country who wish to visit Mexico during Spring Break 2024 should take.

Given the imminence of spring break and the increase in the flow of American tourists, the United States Embassy and Consulates in Mexico issued a Spring Break travel advisory so that its citizens take extreme precautions during their stay in the Aztec country.

“Know your drinking buddies and stay in a group of friends who take your safety into account when you are in clubs and bars, walking in dimly lit areas, or in a taxi at night. Obey Mexican laws and remember that laws Mexican laws may differ from US laws,” the text says.

North American tourists usually enjoy Mexico without incident, however, there have been worrying cases ranging from robberies to more serious problems such as kidnappings and shootings. The alert is given in response to a notable increase in crimes linked to cartels and access to risky substances.

Violence related to organized crime and exposure to alcohol and the consumption of unregulated drugs, of questionable origin, create a risk panorama, especially in popular destinations such as Cancún, Playa del Carmen and Tulum, where vigilance is advised. elderly.

One of the key recommendations is to abandon the “tourist mentality”, a stance that can make visitors easy targets for local crime.

The image of American tourists by criminal elements is often associated with wealth, increasing the risk of being the target of robbery and violence.

Likewise, US authorities are emphasizing caution on beaches, warning of dangerous currents in areas that may lack adequate signage and lifeguard supervision.

Health risks should not be underestimated, especially when medical care is required that may incur high costs and require advance payments, sometimes only accepting cash.

On the legal front, it is crucial that American travelers in Mexico understand that any violation of the law can have serious consequences.

It is emphasized that illegal possession of weapons and other violations including disorderly conduct or vandalism are crimes that could result in arrests and complications with immigration law.

As part of a joint effort to ensure enjoyable stays, U.S. citizens are encouraged to ensure their health insurance is valid in Mexico, travel as a group, and enroll in the State Department’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program to stay up to date. and communicated with the embassy in case of emergency.

The message is emphatic about the importance of closely following the State Department’s guidelines and staying informed about travel conditions before and during your stay in Mexico.

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