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The usual drama: the year started with 3 deaths in an accident

the truck in which the 3 fatal victims of the supply accident were traveling. it was the worst start of the year / the day

The drama of traffic accidents in the Region is still present and generates a lot of alarm. Despite the 0 Alcohol law approved days ago by the Buenos Aires Legislature (see separate) and the multiple initiatives that seek to raise awareness about the risks involved in driving motor vehicles, road insecurity shows no brakes and, in this 2023 that just started, the prospects for change are not very encouraging.

It is that on the first day of the year there was already a terrible collision in the town of Abasto, which caused the death of three people, apparently all members of the same family group.

According to the official report, the event took place in the early hours of the morning on Route 2, a few meters from the intersection with 520 Avenue.

It was carried out by a black Land Rover van, guided by a businessman who was identified by the Police as Alejandro Luciano Manoukian, 44, and a Ford Ranger van, in which the fatalities were traveling.

They are Carla Karina Aramayo Aramayo (17) and Yuli Faviola Aramayo Aramayo (19), both of Bolivian nationality and residing in Lisandro Olmos, at kilometer 62 of Route 36; and David Samuel Tejerina Cazón (19), who lived in the same area, about two thousand meters away from the girls’ house.

The latter would be the driver of the Ranger, who, although he could have been taken out of the passenger compartment with vital signs, after the arduous task carried out by a group of firefighters, who used hydraulic tools to cut the twisted iron, at the hospital in Melchor Romero was informed after a while of his death.

It was learned that Manoukian, who is domiciled in the federal capital, at the time of the incident was accompanied by his 44-year-old wife and their two children, a 14-year-old girl and a 16-year-old boy.

The woman and the adolescent, with some blows, had to be referred for their attention to a private sanatorium in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Palermo, while the boy was unharmed, like his father.

Regarding the causes of the tragic episode, they will be the subject of a meticulous investigation by the prosecutor’s office number 10 of La Plata, in charge of Dr. Carlos Vercellone.

Although there is a first approximation of what happened, at least from what emerges from the police actions (“the Ranger truck was moving along route 2, in an ascending direction, and when it reached kilometer 54,500, it tried to retake 520 avenue in the direction of La Plata, where it is hit by the Land Rover truck, which was driving downhill”), several expert experts in road accidentology were sent to the scene, who were in charge of collecting different pieces of evidence with the intention of determining the criminal responsibilities of the case. .

On the other hand, from the recognition of the bodies and the contact with their relatives for the rigorous procedures, it will be possible to shed a little light on the movements of the deceased.

The accident took place shortly before two in the morning and a question arises as to what the young women and the person who accompanied them were doing at that time on the road.

Were they going to a party? Did they return from a family reunion? Were they going on a trip?

Those are some of the possibilities that are being considered, although everything is subject to verification.


As stated, 2022 closed with 71 people killed due to traffic accidents in the Region.

The last fatal episode took place in Bavio, in the neighboring district of Magdalena.

It was last December 31, at kilometer 95 of Route 36, where a black Toyota Corolla and a VW Golf collided.

In the first shot, a couple and an 8-month-old baby were moving, while in the second another couple, who lost their lives.

There is talk of an alleged lane invasion by the first car, which would have generated the fatal collision.

The three occupants of the Toyota Corolla, with multiple injuries of varying degrees, had to be referred to a care center in the area and the traffic diverted to the shoulder in order to guarantee, at least, vehicular flow.

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