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The UTHGRA Sports and Recreation Center was inaugurated in Santa Fe

The governor of the province of Santa Fe, Omar Perotti, participated this Thursday in the inauguration of the new facilities of the Sports and Recreation Center of the Union of Tourism, Hotel and Gastronomic Workers of the Argentine Republic (UTHGRA)-Santa Fe Sectional.

On the occasion, Perotti indicated that “the possibilities that one has to tour the province allow us to see the enormous effort from each of the guilds in improving, expanding or starting its sports field, its center for the recreational activities of its affiliates, how to stretch the pocket by giving them service, care, attention and good spaces so that their children can be enjoying a different environment, “said the president santafesino.

Also read: Perotti does not offer candidacies

“I want to highlight that – continued the governor – because in the growth and maintenance of employment, without a doubt, there is the real and direct possibility that these things can grow and can be done. And that with pride one visits them, encourages them and we also collaborate in which that realization can occur ”, he expanded.

Later, Perotti recognized “the union effort and solidarity to offer itself and to offer its facilities to share them with the boys in the vacation camp. No municipality could have all the pools to use in the summer and most of the collaborations in the province for that neighborhood come from the infrastructure of the unions, where the children of the affiliates share that season and those possibilities with others. For that dedication of each one of you, of what is proper, of what it costs this enormous effort of years, make it available to those who may not know or have anything to do with the union, but have to do with the city where they live, with the community to which we belong”, stressed the governor of the province.

In this sense, he indicated: “I congratulate you for this view of a unionism aware of its role in society, of the defense of sectoral interests, without losing sight of the march of the country, of a province, of a community; congratulate them enormously on this progress”.

Later, Perotti referred to the importance of sustaining and growing job sources in the gastronomy and hotel sector: “Today the occupation and the possibility from growth, of employment of labor in the service sector, is one of the most contributing and this is one of the sectors in which we want to be close to accompany them, to continue growing. For the first time in history, Santa Fe is among the top 10 destinations in Argentina. Thank you very much for letting us share this, for what you leave to the city, what you leave in the province and for what on a day-to-day basis, each one of you, with your good attention, with your good collaboration, make more people want to continue coming to Santa Fe”, concluded the governor.

Result of the effort

For his part, the general secretary of UTHGRA, Luis Barrionuevo, pointed out that “it is gratifying to be in Santa Fe inaugurating another work, This is the work 139 that we inaugurated in all the country. All this is done with teams and when there is a team, things undoubtedly have to work out and that is what we implement in our organization”.

In turn, the general secretary of UTHGRA-Santa Fe Section, Demetrio Álvarez, expressed that “on this night of gratitude and joy, we go back to 1987/88 when we only had a soccer field, an old warehouse, a multifunctional bar and today we have this marvel for the whole gastronomic family to enjoy this property. We suffered floods, usurpations, a pandemic, but we never gave up and continued in the fight.”

Next, the mayor of the city of Santa Fe, Emilio Jatón, said that “dreams don’t come aloneyou have to work on them and put a lot of effort into them beyond money, and this is what this place has”; and highlighted that in “December we already did the first municipal colony here and it turned out very well, agreements emerged and we work in community, courses of training and many of them were gastronomy, hoteliers, concierges and today they are working”.


During the activity, which took place at the headquarters located at Blas Parera 7351 in the capital city, the Minister of Labor, Employment and Social Security, Juan Manuel Pusineri; the national deputy, Roberto Mirabella; members of the Supreme Court of Justice, municipal officials, among others.

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