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The violent and dangerous statements of Baby Etchecopar against Cecilia Moreau

Baby Etchecopar once again crossed the limits and was the protagonist of violent words against the head of the Lower House, Cecilia Moreau, and towards Cristina.

In an interview with Border Journalism, On María Julia Oliván’s program, Baby remembered when she had said that Cristina Fernández de Kirchner was the cancer of Argentina, only now she also added Cecilia Moreau under the same nickname: “Metástasis”.

But these statements had an immediate response, since the block of the Front of All in Deputies issued a statement in the last hours of Monday to repudiate their statements.

“The national deputies of the Frente de Todos repudiate the expressions of Baby Etchecopar against our compañeras. Enough of hate speech and sexist violence,” the legislators requested.

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