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The Walking Dead | When will season 11 be released on Netflix?

After a decade of fighting the increasingly violent undead and survivors, The Walking Dead will finally come to an end — at least for Netflix subscribers. The last season of the series was already completed on Star + last year, but those who subscribe only to the competing stream are still waiting to see how this story ends.

The good news is that this wait already has a date to happen. Netflix has confirmed that the 11th and final season of The Walking Dead debut in the next February 22nd. And you won’t have to wait weekly for new episodes, much less worry about months-long hiatuses, as all 24 chapters will be made available at once.

What to expect from TWD season 11?

This means that you already have an appointment for Ash Wednesday — a more than emblematic date to see the farewell of many of these characters. As expected, the series concludes many of the arcs presented so far, in addition to leaving some loose ends that direct the plot to the derivative series that AMC should launch soon.

But the great attraction is not in these hooks, but in the closures that this last season of The Walking Dead it presents. It has been more than 10 years following these heroes in search of a corner of peace and the final confrontation with the Commonwealth and the threat that this group represents marks the closing of this cycle.

In addition, the final moments of the series also had some important returns from faces very dear to fans. Without going into spoilers, it’s that little treat that the producers did as a way of thanking the fans who spent so much time following the saga.

Inspired by the comic book of the same name written by Robert Kirkman — the same author of Invincible —, The Walking Dead first aired in 2009 and has remained one of the most watched shows on American and worldwide TV for a decade.

The series was responsible for bringing zombies back to pop culture and launched several artists who became icons from that moment on, especially Norman Reedus, who became so popular that he took the lead in the production.

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