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The war in Ukraine, the sanctions against Cuba and the EU-Mercosur agreement, the issues that stress the European Union-Celac summit

The war in Ukraine, the sanctions against Cuba and the EU-Mercosur agreement, the issues that stress the European Union-Celac summit
Lula and Fernández, in the center of the family photo after the Celac summit“MARIA EUGENIA CERUTTI”
07/14/2023 The President of the Republic of Chile, Gabriel Boric (i), is received by the President of the Government and PSOE candidate for re-election, Pedro Sánchez (d), at the Moncloa Palace, on 14 July July 2023, in Madrid (Spain). His Excellency the President of the Republic of Chile, Mr. Gabriel Boric Font, has traveled to Spain on the occasion of his work visit to attend the EU-CELAC Summit, which takes place on July 17 and 18, in Brussels. POLITICS Carlos Luján – Europa Press
French President Emmanuel Macron welcomes Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva before a working lunch on Friday, June 23, 2023, at the Elysee Palace in Paris. World leaders and financial chiefs are set to publish a “to do list” to help developing countries better tackle climate change and poverty, a long-sought goal of the two-day summit in Paris that concludes on FridayChristophe Ena – AP
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