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The weekly number of applications for unemployment benefits in the US drops

Washington, Mar 23 (EFE).- The weekly number of applications for unemployment benefits in the United States dropped slightly last week to 191,000, that is, 1,000 less than the previous week, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported Thursday. English).

In the week that ended on March 11, there were 1,694,000 people who received this benefit, 14,000 more than in the previous week.

The percentage of unemployed people with benefit in that week was 1.2% of the active population, without changes from the previous week.

The unemployment rate stood at 3.6% in February, two tenths more than in January, according to the Labor Department.

The application numbers contrast with the most serious moment of the pandemic, when in the last week of March 2020 there were 6.8 million Americans who requested unemployment benefits.

In the week ending March 11, the largest increases in jobless claims were in Ohio, with 2,401; Indiana, with 700; Illinois, with 613; Florida, with 596, and Oklahoma, with 472.

In the same week, the largest decreases in the number of applications were registered in New York, with 15,436; California, with 2,812; Oregon, with 1,133; Minnesota with 1,042, and Georgia with 962. E

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