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The white card was released in football: its meaning and when it should be used

This card is not recognized by FIFA, so there is no chance that it will reach the most important leagues in the world in a short time.

For iProfessional

01/25/2023 – 08:21 a.m.

The yellow It is a warning, the red one means expulsion. And the white one? It is recognition of fair play, better known as “Fair Play”. This is a “positive” card. Before each innovation, detractors appear and also those who are enthusiastic about the nascent idea.

This novelty was released in a women’s football match, precisely in the duel between Benfica and Sporting Lisbon for the Portuguese Cup. Minutes before the end of the first period, the judge Catarina Branca stopped the game.

He took the white card out of his pocket and went to the doctors of both teams, who had to urgently attend to a fan who had fainted. Immediately afterwards, the applause of the 15 thousand people present resounded in the stadium.

This implementation seeks to recognize the ethical conduct of any person who is in the stadium and is left to the referee’s consideration. It would be a kind of “fairplay award“during a match.

This card does not have the recognition of the FIFAfor which there is no possibility that in a short time it will reach the most important leagues in the world.

Football is going through a period of change in recent years: the arrival of the VAR, the implementation of the five changes per match and the new regulation for hands during matches. But as if that were not enough, new measures could arrive during the next seasons.

Is the “stopped clock” coming to football?

The International Football Association Board (IFAB), which is made up of the four British associations together with FIFA, addresses different issues and one of them is the possibility of introducing new changes in the regulations that allow, in his opinion, to improve the course of the matches.

The idea was born to control the problem generated by the loss of net game time. The board will seek approval to replace the current “clock run” by the “stopped clock”.

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