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The White House rules out a Biden pardon for his son Hunter

The White House rules out a Biden pardon for his son Hunter

WASHINGTONThe spokeswoman for the White HouseKarine Jean-Pierre, ruled out that President Joe Bidengo to pardon your son Hunter, immersed in a controversial judicial process for tax evasion.

Questioned about this possibility by a journalist, Jean-Pierre responded with a resounding “no.” When she was going to be cross-examined about the matter, the White House spokeswoman interrupted the journalist to say: “I simply said no.”

Hunter Biden reached an agreement with the Department of Justice just a month ago under which he recognized a series of tax crimes in exchange for avoiding possible imprisonment. That pact was widely criticized by the opposition to Biden.

In addition, the agreement contemplated an alternative resolution for another crime related to the illegal possession of firearms, according to which the indictment would be filed if Hunter Biden entered a kind of rehabilitation program.

However, on Wednesday the matter took a new turn after the Justice rejected the agreement between Hunter Biden and the Prosecutor’s Office, and urged both parties to present more evidence to accept it. In response, the president’s son pleaded not guilty to the charges.

Wednesday’s outcome leaves open the years-long investigation into Hunter Biden’s business. A notable case of receiving differential treatment from the Department of Justice, delaying the process and achieving the statute of limitations for some alleged crimes to benefit Hunter Biden.

The son of President Joe Biden is accused of evading the payment of more than 100,000 dollars in taxes for income of more than 1.5 million dollars in 2017 and 2018, and had agreed to plead guilty in exchange for a sentence of two years of freedom under parole

He was also charged with possession of a weapon while a drug user, which is a more serious crime. He had entered into a plea agreement that specified the conditions under which the charge against him would be dismissed. The agreement would be valid as long as the conditions were met. Otherwise, he would become an invalid and he could receive a sentence of up to 10 years in prison.

Judge Maryellen Noreika said she was concerned about the wording of the second agreement, which contained details about not going after Biden for tax offenses in the future.

The White House has at all times avoided commenting on the process facing the president’s son, and has limited itself to pointing out that Hunter Biden is a “private citizen” who has a legal case open that they consider to be “a private matter.”

Hunter Biden is the only child from the president’s first marriage who is still alive. Hunter’s “entrepreneurial” activity, involved in alleged consultancies and pressure groups, has been a recurring source of criticism, especially for his relations with foreign firms.

Republicans are denouncing that it is unfair that the president’s son does not have to go to jail while former President Donald Trump is prosecuted, and they are pushing their own investigations into every facet of Hunter Biden’s dealings in Congress.

A controversy erupted Tuesday after Republicans on the House Ways and Means Committee filed court documents asking Noreika to consider testimony from IRS employees who allege the Justice Department has interfered in the case.

Shortly after those papers were filed, a court clerk received a call requesting that “all sensitive information about grand juries, tax payments and Social Security” be kept secret, according to an oral order from the judge.

FOUNTAIN: With information from Europa Press

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