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The wolves beat Boca and won the Champions Cup

PHOTO: Gymnastics and Fencing of La Plata.

Gimnasia y Esgrima La Plata stayed tonight with the women’s Champions Cup “90th anniversary of the Metropolitan Volleyball Federation” by beating Boca Juniors in the final by a resounding 3-0.

In the decisive match played at the Víctor Nethol Sports Center, of the La Plata club, filled by the local bias, “Las Lobas” prevailed with partial scores of 25-23, 25-17 and 25-18.

In the semifinals of the Gimnasia contest, they beat Estudiantes last Monday in the La Plata classic, while Boca had done the same with San Lorenzo.

The champion team is directed by Martín Ambrosini while the coach of the Boquense team, “Las Guerreras”, is Eduardo Allona.

At the end of the second set, an emotional recognition was made to the successful and historic former gymnastics coach, Alicia Caporali de Casamiquela, 86, who was linked to volleyball for half a century in the “tripera” entity.

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