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Theaters, concert halls and museums: Brandenburg decides on cultural aid packages with 39 million euros

Theaters, concert halls and museums in Brandenburg can receive financial support for energy saving and additional energy costs until 2024. Two aid packages with 39 million euros are available for this, as the Ministry of Culture announced in Potsdam on Monday. The cabinet and the state parliament budget committee had decided on the two programs last week.

Technical and structural measures in cultural institutions that help to substantially reduce energy consumption or improve self-sufficiency are to be supported with 20 million euros. Applications for funding can be made from now until March 31, 2024. The federal government’s “Culture Fund Energy” is also co-financed with 19 million euros to compensate for additional energy costs.

“The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine has once again fundamentally changed the economic framework conditions of the Brandenburg cultural institutions and associations after the corona-related restrictions,” said Minister of Culture Manja Schüle (SPD). That slowed down the regeneration of the cultural sector. (epd)

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