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Thelma Fardín spoke after the setback suffered by Juan Darthés in the Brazilian Justice

After the Superior Court of Justice of Brazil, which here would be the Supreme Court, decided that the case of Juan Darthés, accused of raping Thelma Fardin will remain in the Federal Justice of San Pablo, the actress decided to express herself on her social networks.

“The Brazilian public ministry informed the Specialized Unit on Violence against Women (UFEM) that the Brazilian Superior Court rejected an appeal filed by the defendant Juan Darthés and validated the jurisdiction of the federal courts of São Paulo, where the oral trial has been taking place since November 2021,” he explained in a publication. In addition, he celebrated that there is less and less to reach a sentence and thanked the support received at this time.

While fake news spread on social networks indicating that the trial had fallen, Thelma celebrated that she is getting closer to a sentence.

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