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There are 190 permanent graduate jobs available in this beautiful southern seaside town

Permanent recruitment for

Working full-time and indefinitely in a seaside city is the dream of many job seekers. The ASP of Catania, Sicily offers the right opportunity for some graduates. So let’s see who it is.

On the Official Gazette no. 102 of 27 December an excerpt of the announcement just announced by the Provincial Health Authority (ASP) of Catania has appeared. Overall, 190 permanent jobs are available for Medicine graduates.

The ASP of Catania has launched a call for tenders for 190 Medicine graduates-wikimedia

The profiles put up for competition by the ASP of Catania

The Sicilian Healthcare Company is looking for medical executives in different specializations and according to this division:

  • 17 executives in the discipline of anesthesia and resuscitation;
  • 44 in medicine and acceptance surgery and urgently;
  • 6 seats of clinical pathology;
  • 5 executives in the specialization of Gastroenterology;
  • 3 medical executives in the discipline of food hygiene and nutrition;
  • 11 in that of hygiene, epidemiology and public health;
  • 2 in that of occupational medicine;
  • 4 in that of gynecology and obstetrics;
  • 4-in transfusion medicine;
  • 16 in that of medical direction of hospital garrison;
  • 17 specialized in physical discipline e rehabilitation;
  • 2 medical executives in the discipline of urology;
  • 2 executives in nephrology;
  • 1 medical director in the discipline of oncology medical;
  • 2 in neonatology;
  • 10 executives specialized in orthopedics and traumatology;
  • 3 in that of otolaryngology;
  • 6 seats of pediatrics;
  • 16 in that of radiology diagnostics;
  • 1 doctor pulmonologist;
  • 11 doctors in the discipline of psychiatry;
  • 7 in that of general surgery.

Admission requirements for the selections

The call provides for general and specific requirements for admission to the selections. Among the former we have Italian citizenship, subject to the equivalences established by law, and physical suitability for the duties. On the other hand, those excluded from the active electorate cannot participate, as well as those dismissed, dispensed, fired or removed from public employment.

THE specific requirements mainly pertain to titles. In this regard, therefore, the Medicine degree and Surgery and L’registration in the Register ofOrder of Doctors.

Likewise, the specialization in the subject of the competition, or a similar or equivalent according to the law. This requirement is not required for healthcare personnel in service (related to the role already held) at the date of entry into force of Presidential Decree 483/1997.

Degree in Medicine and Surgery and registration in the Register of Doctors is

190 permanent positions are available for graduates in Medicine and Surgery

The instances of participation must be sent only online within midnight of January 26th. It will therefore be sufficient to use the specific IT application available on the Catania ASP portal, following the instructions provided there.

The candidate is also required to pay a non-refundable fee of 15 euros.

The Examining Commission has a maximum of 100 points for each candidate, of which 20 for qualifications and 80 for exams. That is the written one (maximum 30 points), the practical one (maximum 30 points) and the oral one (maximum 20 points).

Finally, we invite the reader to consult the notice for any doubts and/or details of the case.

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