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There are already 21 deaths from explosions in coal mines in Colombia | THE TERRITORY news from Misiones

Thursday March 16, 2023 | 4:56 p.m.

An explosion in a complex of underground coal mines caused by the accumulation of gases left a total of 21 workers dead in central Colombia, after 10 miners reported missing were found dead, authorities reported Thursday.

The incident occurred in the municipality of Sutatausa, in the department of Cundinamarca, on Tuesday night, Colombian media reported.

“Despite all the efforts of the rescue teams, unfortunately 21 people lost their lives in this tragic accident in Sutatausa. All my solidarity with their families,” the president, Gustavo Petro, wrote on his Twitter account.

“Each work fatality is not only a business failure, but also a social and governmental one,” he added.

The day before, two people were rescued alive by firefighters and seven more got out by their own means.

Activities at the mine – which had authorization to operate – have been suspended, the National Mining Agency (ANM) said on its Twitter account, while announcing an investigation to establish the causes of the explosion before considering a reopening.

In 2022, 117 mining accidents were registered that left 146 dead, according to the ANM.

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