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There are more than 8 million Venezuelans emigrating

There are more than 8 million Venezuelans emigrating

MADRID.- The former mayor of Caracas, now in exile, Antonio Ledezmaresponded to the comment made by the president of Brazil, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, of whom he stated has no knowledge of what is happening in Venezuela.

Recently, the Brazilian president commented “I have no information about what is happening, Venezuela’s fight with the UN.” A fact that has surprised him because Venezuela and Brazil share a border.

Regarding Lula’s alleged “disinformation”, Ledezma used his social networks to comment on Lula da Silva’s act of indifference, and proceeded to list some of the news events that incriminate the regime. Nicolas Maduro with human rights violation or corruption.

“1. There are more than 8 million Venezuelans emigrating, Brazil is one of those destinations. 2-More than 7,300 human beings have been extrajudicially executed. 3-More than 280 people remain detained and some are victims of forced disappearance. 4 -The salary is less than $4 a month, while the cost of a food basket exceeds $500. The crisis in electricity, gasoline, health, drinking water, education, and security services worsens 5.-Enclaves of drug trafficking and international terrorism They operate from Venezuelan territory. 6.-Maduro regime expels the UN mission and declares almost all MEPs persona non grata 7.-Maduro truncates the electoral process and fails to comply with the Barbados agreements and intends to arbitrarily disqualify @MariaCorinaYA Machado, who was elected by more than 2.4 million Venezuelans in primaries. 8.- According to substantiated complaints, in these 25 years more than $600 billion have been stolen. A former minister well known to you (Tareck El Aissami) is accused by Maduro of diverting more than $23 billion and has been missing for more than 11 months,” Ledezma wrote.

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Lula remains silent in the face of dictatorial actions

Recently, the dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro gave office staff a period of 72 hours to leave Venezuela, and announced a “comprehensive review of the terms of technical cooperation described in the Letter of Understanding signed with said office in the next 30 days.” “. Likewise, he stated that this measure will remain in force until the office rectifies “publicly before the international community its colonialist, abusive and violating attitude” of the United Nations Charter.

This occurs within the framework of the arrest campaign in the Latin American country after dictator Nicolás Maduro stated in January that four alleged assassination attempts against him were dismantled last year.

It also coincides with the arrest of the Venezuelan Human Rights activist Rocío San Miguel, the OHCHR expressed in its official account on the social network constitute a forced disappearance, and demanded his immediate release.

Allegations of violations of human rights surrounding the San Miguel case have generated a wave of condemnations both inside and outside Venezuela.

Reason why, the Governments of Argentina, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Paraguay and Uruguay They rejected this Thursday Venezuela’s decision to expel the staff of the United Nations Office for Human Rights (OHCHR).

“We reject the recent measures against the technical advisory office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Venezuela and demand full respect for Human Rights, the validity of the rule of law and the calling of transparent, free, democratic elections and competitive without bans of any kind,” reads a joint statement.

Source: EDITORIAL / With information from Europa Press

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