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There are no adverse reactions with Cuban vaccine: Sandoval

Francisco Cordova/El Diario

Monday, January 09, 2023 | 07:06

Chihuahua, Chih.- The health secretary, Felipe Sandoval Magallanes, reported that vaccination against Covid with the Cuban-made biologic, Abdala, has already begun in the state.

In this sense, he explained that as a state secretary they have remained vigilant of the reactions, at least immediate, in the people to whom it has been applied, who are monitored for at least half an hour after its application without adverse reactions having been registered at the moment. .

He added that this biological is applied as the first dose or reinforcement with a complete scheme.

“The first doses that have been given have not presented any reaction. They are being put on and wait for half an hour to see any reaction, but we have no report so far. Right now, what would remain to be expected is to know how much protection we could have because they recommend applying it every year, ”he explained.

He considered that as a health professional he does not reject or recommend the use of this biologic, therefore, as a health authority, they have focused on monitoring the application and await the results to learn about its development.

The vaccine is only applied to people over 18 years of age, to people who are lagging behind or to people who have the complete scheme who are looking for a reinforcement which will be with Abdala.

Regarding its effectiveness against the Ómicron variants, he pointed out that in the first instance there has been no confirmation of these in the state of Chihuahua.

However, he explained that the Abdala vaccine is a reinforcement, and it will be time that will indicate the results of its effectiveness with the new variants in case it is confirmed that they have been distributed in the state.

It should be noted that in terms of the indicators of the pandemic, it will be in mid-January that it will be possible to know how the December meetings affected its behavior, since a slight rebound is expected, however, for there to be a turning point, they must be registered at less than 1,500 daily infections.

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