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There is a risk of a delay in the A14 full connection Lauterach-Wolfurt

When expanding the high-level road network in Vorarlberg, another project may face a year-long delay.

At least that’s the impression you get when you read Environment Minister Leonore Gewessler (Greens)’s response to a current question from NEOS National Councilor Gerald Loacker. This time it is about the planned upgrading of the existing A14 half connection Lauterach-Wolfurt to a full motorway connection in the area of ​​the Wolfurt freight station.

Growing commercial area

The possible delay is not only, but especially in business circles an issue. Because in the Wolfurt/Lauterach/Güterbahnhof area, one of the largest industrial and commercial areas in Vorarlberg has been developing for a number of years, with a corresponding volume of traffic. Traffic jams around the freight station and on the road connection to the A14 full connection/Dornbirn Nord are already on the agenda.

Gewessler refers to cost-benefit analysis

Gewessler replied in the inquiry that “all those involved are aware of the importance of the Wolfurt/Lauterach junction”. “However, all effects of the planned full expansion at this connection point must be examined comprehensively.” ASFINAG is currently working on the finalization of the extended strategic analysis (ESA), which should be available to the environmental department in the first half of 2023 (“time horizon”). This ESA should also include a cost-benefit analysis to describe the economic benefits.

Toll-free route

In addition, a project result calculation (PER connection point) will be carried out with regard to the economic benefit. This represents a monetary comparison between advantages (toll revenue) and disadvantages (additional construction and operational costs), the minister said in her reply. The A14 in the lower Rhine Valley is exempt from the toll as far as Hohenems.

Start of construction unknown

Following a positive conclusion of the ESA and the PER, ASFINAG will then create a preliminary project. “Due to the forecast volume of traffic on the ramps at the Wolfurt/Lauterach junction and the proximity to a Natura 2000 area, it can be assumed from today’s perspective that an environmental impact assessment procedure (EIA) will also have to be carried out for the full expansion,” says Gewessler. An exact date for the start of construction cannot be given at this time. From the start of construction, which has not yet been determined, one has to reckon with a period of one to two years until completion, according to the Ministry of the Environment.

“Even e-trucks can’t fly”

For NEOS National Councilor Gerald Loacker it is “obvious” that Minister Leonore Gewessler is once again deliberately planning to delay an important road infrastructure project. A possible EIA procedure alone would take at least a year in the very best case. However, this area around the freight yard and the constantly growing operating area will soon need a full connection, because the volume of traffic will continue to increase. And in this situation, Gewessler cannot give an expected date for the start of construction. Loacker can’t resist a point: “Even e-cars and e-trucks can’t fly. They need roads.”

“There is a threat of instances in all major projects”

Vorarlberg’s Transport Provincial Councilor Marco Tittler said when asked by wpa that there had been a delay because the ministry wanted an updated traffic model for the ESA. This should be available by mid-April 2023. After that, they want to sit together with ASFINAG and the municipalities before the summer to discuss how to proceed on the basis of the ESA.

According to Tittler, the proposed EIA procedure may be necessary for an infrastructure project of this size. However, that would have to be decided by the experts. However, that shouldn’t be the only delay. Tittler: “Personally, I assume that all major infrastructure projects in Vorarlberg will be threatened with legal action through the courts in the coming years.” It must always be expected that there will be resistance from some side.

In any case, the time horizon mentioned in 2019 for the realization of the Lauterach/Wolfurt full connection by 2025 is unlikely to hold.

(business press agency)

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