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There is no turning back, Venezuela will be free

Rick Scott promotes campaign to captivate Hispanic vote and against the socialist agenda

MIAMI.- He Florida Senator Rick Scott He said he was “attentive” to the presidential elections in Venezuela and was optimistic that the Caribbean country would regain “its freedom.”

“There is no turning back! Venezuela will be free!” Scott wrote on his X account.

The senator considered that the opposition leader Maria Corina Machado “has united his nation and rekindled hope for freedom.”

“We must all be attentive to the elections in Venezuela, “This #28Jul. (Nicolás) Maduro and his thugs will do everything possible to stay in power, but nothing will defeat an entire country determined to regain its freedom. I am with the people of Venezuela #UntilTheEnd,” he added.

This week they arrived in the South American country Four United Nations electoral experts with the mission of preparing an “internal report” on the presidential elections on July 28.

“The Panel of Electoral Experts of the HIM came to Venezuela “at the invitation of the National Electoral Council and in accordance with the Barbados Agreement of 17 October 2023,” the UN said in a press release.

“The Panel’s report will include recommendations on improvements that could be made in future electoral processes in Venezuela,” added the text.

The experts, who will remain in the country until a few days after the elections, “will enjoy full freedom to meet with political and social actors, as well as with electoral authorities and experts.”

However, “they do not issue public statements evaluating the overall conduct of an electoral process or its results” as do “UN electoral observation missions, which require a specific mandate from the Security Council or the General Assembly.”

Diplomat Edmundo González Urrutia, a “unitary” candidate of the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), the largest opposition coalition, is Maduro’s main adversary in these elections. He was nominated after Machado was unable to run because she was disqualified by the Comptroller General’s Office, in an illegal and arbitrary process, according to Machado herself and the opposition.

Source: EDITORIAL / With information from El Nacional

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