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“There was no financial proposal”: Ahmed Sylla tackles Blanche Gardin and her noisy refusal to participate in Lol: who laughs, comes out!

Ahmed Sylla returns to the controversy! This Thursday, April 20, Blanche Gardin explained in a long text published on her Facebook account that she had declined Prime Video’s proposal to participate in the show. Lol: who laughs, comes out! presented by Philippe Lacheau. Indeed, the comedian explained the reasons that led him to decline their offer. “It also happens that I would be embarrassed at the corners (…) to be paid 200,000 euros for a day’s work even if I lose at your game, when the charity of my choice would win 50,000 euros , that is to say 4 times less, and again, only if I win. Yes, it bothers me to touch, for 8 hours of work, this maddening sum“, she said. The American company was quick to respond to her tackle through a press release.

It’s not super cool

This Monday, April 24, Ahmed Sylla was the guest of Sébastien Cauet in his show on NRJ radio. The actor, currently promoting his film A tiny little wedding with Camille Lou, agreed to come back to the words of Blanche Gardin. Indeed, he himself participated in Lol: who laughs, comes out! in the second season. “Blanche, you’re nice… But you pushed the cursors a bit, darling!”, he began. He then admitted to taking a “good ticket” for this shoot, but not at all the amount announced by the comedian. “It’s very well paid, it’s Amazon, it’s very well paid. (…) But I didn’t find it cool on her part, Blanche what she did… Because it throws a little shame on us, those who did it”, he continued. “And it’s a bit ‘All those who accepted, you’re a bit of a loser, I’m a little better than you’. It’s not super cool.”

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There was no financial proposal from Amazon

Ahmed Sylla does not at all share the same vision as Blanche Gardin, and believes that she could have used her stamp to precisely help the associations of her choice. “In a pinch, if it’s not a model that you like, if you’re embarrassed, do it, or else you don’t say anything, do it and then you give everything to an association. (…) I help a lot of associations in a private capacity, and that money, it also helps me to do that!”, he explained. Sébastien Cauet then asked her if the actress had really received a proposal for 200,000 euros. “It’s not even true! Well, I’m quite close to the production, we didn’t offer him that. There was no financial proposal from Amazon, not even”, affirmed Ahmed Sylla. “In fact, there was the great rumor that spread in Paris in mode ‘Some took 300,000 euros, others 400,000 euros’, and it is not true! Me, I know a little about people’s fees because the agents necessarily talk to each other and it’s not those amounts.

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