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There will be an 8.2% salary increase for teachers: AMLO

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador announced an 8.2% increase in the salary of workers in the education sector and teachers, during the commemoration of Teacher’s Day on May 15.

“Retroactively, that is, since last January, an increase in the salary of teachers and teachers will apply, and of all those who work in the education sector, of 8.2% on average,” said the head of the federal Executive during the conference of morning press.

In addition, he assured that no teacher or education worker will earn less than 16,000 pesos a month, since he assured that this is the average received by workers who are enrolled in the Social Security.

“Last year, the average salary of workers registered with Social Security was a little more than 12,000 pesos and we made the decision that teachers earn, at least, what workers registered with Social Security and this meant benefiting many teachers who earned less than 12,000 pesos,” said the president.

He also announced that in the current administration bases have been given to more than 800,000 education workers throughout the Mexican Republic,

“I want to reiterate the commitment to continue improving the salary conditions and benefits of all education workers in our country. Specifically… Until today, more than 800,000 education workers have been basified and we are going to continue basifying teachers, education workers,” the president reported.

On the other hand, he commented that he also received a demand to include teachers from the upper secondary level, since there were some who earned less; so they were included in the agreement.

Regarding the universities, he said that what corresponds to them in the budget will be reported later; although he affirmed that they have not stopped supporting public institutions of higher education. “They have received their budget on time, in good shape, and always above inflation,” said López Obrador.

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