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There will be no impunity in the death of migrants, promises AMLO

Mexico City.- President Andrés Manuel López Obrador assured that there will be no impunity in the case of the 39 migrants who died in a fire at an INM center in Ciudad Juárez and that, unlike the “conservative” governments, today there is justice.

“We are looking for justice, there will be justice, there will be no impunity,” he replied upon arriving in Culiacán, Sinaloa, for a meeting with officials.

“(It will go) as far as the Prosecutor’s Office decides. (It was) very unfortunate, very sad, very sad. The only difference is that before they covered everything, they covered everything, the PRI and PAN conservatives. Not now Now it’s different, there’s justice,” he added in a rushed interview with local media.

And invests in the purchase of Sinaloan corn

In his first visit to Culiacán, Sinaloa, since the arrest of Ovidio Guzmán, son of “El Chapo”, on January 5, AMLO met with Servants of the Nation and with the Governor, Rubén Rocha Moya, to whom he promised to invest 6 one thousand 965 billion pesos in the purchase of corn at guaranteed prices.

“President López Obrador has given a positive response to our approach to support the producers of Sinaloa: he authorized the purchase of one million tons of corn at a guaranteed price, that is, 6,965 pesos,” Rocha Moya reported in his twitter account.

“The guarantee price commitment for corn will be effective at the very moment production begins. The Sinaloan countryside thanks you, President!”, he added.

López Obrador arrived after noon at the Salón 53 auditorium in Culiacán, where he met privately with Servants of the Nation, officials of the Banco del Bienestar and Rocha Moya, to rush them to open the promised branches.

Hundreds of people were waiting to greet him and with requests to his government. December 18 was the last time that López Obrador had been in Sinaloa, to supervise two dams.

Among those who waited for him outside were farmers who denounced the destruction of the market due to the importation of cheap shrimp from Ecuador.

“We no longer accept the treaty with Ecuador so that they import, so that they sell shrimp,” he managed to say, aboard a truck that passed through the groups that were trying to speak to him.

The members of the National Union of Mexican Nursing, who are looking for their rehiring as professionals, a salary increase, medical equipment and better facilities, also demonstrated.

Those from the Culiacán Urban Health Center complained that they have been with temporary contracts for more than 15 years and that the uniforms they wear are from Peña Nieto’s six-year term or they have had to buy them themselves.

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