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There will be no sequel to Twins

The race seems to be over for Ivan Reitman’s long-planned sequel to the 1988 comedy classic Twins, and the triplets as the film would be called have been put on hold. This was told by Arnold Schwarzenegger in a interview with The Hollywood Reporter where he also pointed the finger at the late director’s son, Jason Reitman, who apparently now bears the blame for the fact that the Triplets will never go away.

A bit boring it may seem, especially when both Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny Devito were fire and flames over the project, which was also planned to include Eddie Murphy as the duo’s new and third member. Apparently, after his father’s death, Jason must have stopped the project for the simple reason that he personally never found the idea of ​​a sequel to Twins acceptable.

“Jason Reitman f—ed it up, he literally stopped the project when his father died.”

“His father wanted to do it really badly. I wanted to do it really badly. Danny DeVito wanted to do it really badly. We had the financing. When his father passed away, Jason says, ‘I never liked the idea’ and put a hold on it.”

Instead, Schwarzenegger and Devito have been working on a separate project together, something we hope to hear more about later this year. This is also not the first time that a Schwarzenegger sequel has been shelved, something that also affected the continuation of Conan the Barbarian, which has been in limbo for the past ten years. We think it’s sad, a sequel to Twins with Eddie Murphy could have been fun.

Or what do you think? Is it good or bad that the Twins sequel now appears to be dead and buried?

The happy 80s, when comedies were actually funny.
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