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There’s not excuse what worths

There's not excuse what worths

Lor occurred in the SoFi Stadium against him Arsenal It shouldn’t have too much travel. The image of Bara It could have been touched a bit, yes, but when put in context it is somewhat understandable. It was the first match for the Catalans, while for the English it was the fifth. The difference in filming was evident and, to a certain extent, it is valid as an excuse to justify such a bulky marker.

However, that bullet will not serve the Catalans in this Saturday’s game in Arlington. The rival that is going to be in front is not going to be other than the real Madrid and in the classics there are no friendlies that are worth.

In the initial planning of Xavihis Bara He had to arrive at this appointment with the same matches played as his rival. However, the famous gastrointestinal virus that affected part of the workforce, blew up planning. It should not decisively affect the conditions in which to reach the league debut, but I know that it would be logical for the team to take longer to get up to speed. And what comes is a real Madrid who has shown his claws in his first two summer bowling (3-2 to the Milan and 2-0 at united).

question of image

in the last classics that have been disputed on American soil, the Bara has taken the cat into the water. I won in the last of the msnin Miami in 2017, by 2-3 and he also did it last summer, with a solitary goal from raphinha in Las Vegas. Doing things well in this has an importance beyond the merely sporting.

He Bara You need to continue engaging followers around these parts. In recent years it has become clear that the real Madrid has more pull for these lands. Much more since the whites have swelled to win Champions. The dissolution of the msnthe failures in Europe and uncontrollable elements such as the cancellation of the match against Juventus have eroded the image of the club. Barcelona in a strategic market. USA It is the great gamble which of the last few years to grow. Hence, repeat destination summer after summer.

Although no one escapes the friendly nature of the appointment in the AT&Tmatches between Barcelona and real Madrid They are always big words. The azulgranas work against the clock so that this meeting does not get out of hand, like the one in los angeles.

four in the middle

That need to lick your wounds and not leave excessively touched the classic should lead to changes in the team Xavi. The Catalan has already warned that these matches are for testing. And if the other day he opted for the system with pure wingers, it wouldn’t be surprising if we saw four midfielders tonight. The recipe for Barca success last season.

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