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These are the 5 most read news of the week

The information does not stop and this last week of April the news related to the marketing industry in Mexico is part of the most read.

Among the most read articles on the Merca2.0 portal of this week there are some referring to topics of industries, brands and viral content.

The 5 most read notes of the week

A boy starts selling vegetables and by making a mental sum he surprised the dealer, who bought him pumpkins, spinach and purslane. The story went viral on social networks as it happened with Paco the boy with the empanadas, realizing the value of entrepreneurship at any age, in fact, this activity is so important that in a study entitled “Sondage ‘Startups’; “Entrepeneurs” survey found that 71 percent said they were doing it to face challenges and 55 percent to change the rules, while 40 percent said they were doing it to be independent.

Sanborns is very aware of what happens in its stores, and it is that to the surprise of many, he confessed that he knows very well that people like their bathrooms, it is not a surprise that many people enter the establishment to use the bathroom or even to kill time since there are usually a wide variety of books and magazines.

As part of a video to position their social networks, the Sanborns brand humorously commented in a video that they were aware that people only entered the establishment to use their bathrooms: “We already know you love our bathrooms.” And it is clear that the company was aware of this since the staff began to request purchase tickets from the people who entered, although this fact was highly criticized since it used to make customers or visitors uncomfortable, in addition to sometimes being They were pressured to buy something, just to be able to enter the bathroom.

Ricardo Salinas Pliego established a position against the proposal to reduce the work week from 48 to 40 hours that was approved in the Commissions of the Chamber of Deputies. In fact, the businessman made it very clear on his social networks that he is against this initiative.

The objective of these reforms to the law to reduce working hours is for Mexican workers to improve their performance. Even, a reduction of hours in the night work shift is sought, leaving work nights of 5 hours.

This initiative has already been referred to the Board of Directors for discussion and voting in plenary.

How it has emerged on the internet there are millions of success stories from OnlyFans users, who daily share how much money they earn selling their content such as images and videos to their subscribers.

On this occasion, the case of Nala Ray is attracting attention, since the young content creator claims to have 7,000 virtual boyfriends and thanks to that, she earns a large amount of money on OnlyFans.

The woman originally from the United States, assures that for her it is better to have a romantic relationship from virtuality, because men are intimidated when they go out with her due to her “imposing beauty”, which has led her to sell content for the adult platform .

The influencer Yeri Mua has become one of the most controversial characters on social networks, the woman of Veracruz origin, is currently 20 years old and already has more than 10.1 million followers on TikTok, while more are followed on Facebook. of 10 million people.

It has recently been sanctioned by the platform that owns Zuckerberg, users have reported that when following it, a message appears from the social network that does not allow them to like their page on a daily basis.

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