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These are the documents you need to sell a car

These are the documents you need to sell a car

Cars are a material good, with a economic valuewhich can save more than one person or if you are simply planning to buy a new one, no matter what the case, sell a car in mexico requires a series of documents that you must gather for the process to be successful and legal.

Hence, before selling your car, you must consider all these elements so that both you and the person who will buy it avoid problems and last-minute procedures. And it is that, in addition to the paperwork, the vehicle must have clean historywithout verifiable infractions or debts.

Likewise, before the sale, it will be necessary to carry out a mechanical inspection to guarantee the proper functioning of the car. With all this clarified, both parties can have confidence and security in the sale.

Why is it important to have these documents?

It is important that the vehicle does not present fines or debts

It is important that before you take your car to a lot or agency, or advertise it on a website, in The Truth News we give you the list of documents you will need to make the sale without problems.

One as a seller must make sure that the person who buys the car carry out the procedures that correspond to you, because in this way you will avoid incurring illegal actions or being involved in legal problems.

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What do I need to sell my car in Mexico?

The procedures are carried out by both the seller and the buyer

The original invoice allows you to verify that you are the rightful owner of the vehicle. It is issued by the automotive agency when you buy the car for the first time. In case of being the second owner, you must present the endorsement of the invoice.

Proof of ownership, it is necessary to verify that the car is up to date, because to sell it, you will need the receipts of the last 5 payments of vehicle ownership, which will help you verify that you paid the corresponding tax.

The proof of verification, this document can be valid from 180 days to 2 years depending on the type of car. The important thing is that, at the time of sale, the check has a minimum of 10 calendar days before its expiration.

The non-debt receipts nor infractions are used to verify that the car does not present pending charges or fines, you can enter the site of the CDMX Secretariat of Administration and Finance and enter the license plate number of the vehicle.

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