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These are the Patriot robots Adam and Bertil

Patriot 103 is one of the largest Swedish arms stores in modern times and the price tag has been criticized. Sweden has paid around 10 billion for Patriot, according to the Swedish Armed Forces.

The first delivery of the robots was delivered in 2021 and today there are four fire units within the Swedish Armed Forces.

– We have trained continuously during 2022 and this year we have been out on four exercises, says Mikael Beck, head of the Air Defense Regiment LV6 in Halmstad.

How many know the Patriot air defense system?

– There are quite a few who have been on education in the USA and also here in Sweden. But I don’t want to go into detail and tell you how many there are, he says.

In the clip you will hear more about the robot types Adam and Bertil.

Test firing of the PAC-3 Patriot robot in the US state of New Mexico. Photo: United States Armed Forces stock photo

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