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These are the places where you can light fireworks in the Houston area

These are the places where you can light fireworks in the Houston area

HOUSTON – With the Fourth of July festivities approaching, it’s important to know where to set off fireworks in the Houston area. Although the use of fireworks can be exciting, it is essential to follow the regulations and restrictions to ensure everyone’s safety.

The City of Houston uses its authority to impose a citywide fireworks ban, which means that, for the most part, it is illegal to set off fireworks.

That can be disappointing for some people. However, unincorporated Harris County does not have a ban, as long as you are not within 600 feet of a hospital, gas station, fireworks stand, school, church, or light them from a moving vehicle. .

For all those points of interest, Jeff Reichman collected data and created an interactive map where it locates the points of interest where it is prohibited to light fireworks.

This map highlights unincorporated Harris County in green and no-go locations in red.

This map is not a substitute for common sense and is not giving you legal advice. It’s just a starting point for you to educate yourself before setting off fireworks.

It is important to remember that firing fireworks in unauthorized locations is strictly prohibited and may result in fines and penalties. In addition, the irresponsible use of fireworks can endanger the safety of people and cause property damage.

If you plan to enjoy fireworks this July 4th, we recommend attending professionally organized and licensed events. These shows often offer a safe and exciting experience for the whole family.

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