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These cosplays of Yennefer and Geralt from The Witcher warm our hearts

cosplay are not just a nice pastime for many people, but an intense passion. It’s hard to imagine how many hours of work go into conception, organization, costumes, make-up and photography. But the results of this work are always impressive and worth seeing. There are a number of exciting projects, especially for popular brands like The Witcher, which we have already reported on in the past. Certainly one of the most popular characters here geralt and Yennefer.

Cosplay double pack

Reddit user’s Yennefer cosplay”fel0ra” also known as Catherine Deryabina, we have already praised it highly on our website. The cosplayer and costume designer from Moscow has managed to implement the popular character in a more than outstanding and detailed way.

Now Deryabina is open Reddit shared a photo that takes us back to the third part of the Witcher series. After all, not only she, but another cosplayer can be seen in the role of Geralt. The photo and setting fit the entire production perfectly, as do the poses of the two people. Incidentally, the picture was not posted as new material, but as greetings valentines day. Felora published the rest of the series of photos on Deviantart a few years ago. The quality of this is just as impressive as the Reddit post.

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More cosplays worth watching

In addition to the Witcher series, there are a variety of other series and brands that are repeatedly discussed in the cosplay community. We keep reporting on fantastic projects related to Elden Ring, the Horizon series, The Last of Us or The Legend of Zelda. Also from the Star Wars cosmos or Resident Evil always know how to impress in this regard.

Sources: Reddit (r/Cosplay), deviantart

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