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These discounted wireless headphones really deserve their success

The use of wireless headsets has become commonplace to enjoy your playlists or make and receive calls from your smartphone. If the big brands offer a large number of solutions, their prices are often a barrier for a large number of potential users. Are there no other solutions?

The Cdiscount online sales site offers you to acquire a pair of Veatool wireless Bluetooth headphones at only 25.99 euros instead of the usual 59.99 euros. Make no mistake about it. If the Veatool brand is, let’s face it, unknown to the general public, the quality and specificities of its product have earned it an excellent score of 4.7 out of 5, given by its verified users.

The earbuds come with a charging case that doubles as storage, and provides you with a total battery life of up to 40 hours.

You don’t have to spend a lot of money on quality earbuds anymore.

The first quality of a pair of headsets is, of course, to offer quality sound to the user. For this, the Veatool earpieces have membranes 13 millimeters in diameter which reproduce the sound over a very wide frequency band.

A touch zone makes it easy to manage playlists and calls. Once you have set up the first Bluetooth connection with your smartphone, this is done automatically as soon as you open the charging case.

It should be noted that the manufacturer had the good idea of ​​installing an LED display on the case to know precisely the level of the batteries. In addition, the earbuds are IPX5 certified and can therefore be used in the rain.

Do not ruin yourself and take advantage of wireless Veatool headsets, offered by Cdiscount at only 25.99 euros.

Click here to take advantage of the Cdiscount offer on Veatool headsets

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