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These foods cannot be missing from your dinner 3 times a week if you want to lose weight, according to Harvard

The human body is pure chemistry, hence there are certain healthy habits that can help us in this weight loss process if you include them in your day to day. We are not talking about a restrictive diet or intense physical exercise, but about take care of what we consume at dinner. And it is that this is usually the meal of the day in which we tend to make mistakes the most.

Precisely so that your dinners can satisfy you, while being light and so that they can be your allies to lose weightthis time we want to talk to you about the famous ‘Harvard plate’ that we encourage you to include at least three times a week. Take note.

Why dinner is the most important meal to lose weight

The reality is that a complete and balanced dinner can help us a lot to achieve a healthy weight, but we must not forget that to be healthy each meal plays a fundamental role in our day to day, since in this way we will guarantee our body the nutrition you need. In fact, excess weight is often associated with poor nutrition.

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Avoid skipping meals, especially to prevent your metabolism from slowing down. just with a 500 calorie daily deficit Through diet and combined with regular physical activity, you will achieve that healthy weight loss while continuing to feed and nourish your body.

The definitive key to making a dinner and losing weight

But then, what is the definitive key to making a dinner with which to lose weight? Well, something as basic and important as planning. And it is that the best way to ensure that caloric deficit and that perfectly nourished organism is Thinking back to the day or week before, what we are going to eat and for dinner.

In this way, you will be able to have variety in the lunches and dinners that your body needs to guarantee its health. Yes indeed, proteins and vegetables they should colonize your plates. You will also have to put alcohol or sugary soft drinks aside and give priority to a drink that is as necessary as it is healthy: water.

For dessert at dinner, use the fruit that you most want, in this way, you will guarantee much-needed fructose in your body. And of course don’t forget the golden rule: have dinner soon. Especially if you want to benefit from the advantages of autophagy.

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What you should eat for dinner 3 times a week according to Harvard to lose weight

We know that planning, having dinner early and that dinner is balanced are the keys to losing weight in a healthy way, but in addition to this, there is a type of dinner that you should include at least three times a week to help you lose weight almost without realizing it, we talk about the ‘Harvard plate’.

A type of healthy dish recommended by the same Harvard School of Public Health and that it has reached our tables to replace the classic food pyramid. A type of dish that, although it is not necessary to apply to the letter, should serve as a basis for knowing how to correctly distribute the nutrients during the main meals and in this case at dinner.

The ‘Harvard plate’ to include in your healthy lunches and dinners

What does the Harvard plate consist of?

  • Half of the plate should be vegetables: It is recommended to vary the type of vegetables and vegetables and opt for raw consumption, prioritizing the healthiest cooking techniques such as oven, steam cooking and grilling.
  • A quarter of the plate should be complex carbohydrates: Choose whole grains or foods made with whole grains (whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta…). You also have the option of including potato or sweet potato starches, if possible roasted or steamed.
  • A quarter of the plate for proteins: Limit the consumption of red meat and give priority to fish, eggs, poultry, legumes or vegetable protein. Avoid processed meats such as sausages, bacon…

Other details to take into account in the Harvard dish

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  • The main drink at meals will be Wateralthough we can also consume coffee, tea or infusions, always without sugar.
  • limit the consumption of dairy products to one or two servings a day.
  • Opt for healthy sources of fats such as olive oil, avocados, nuts…
  • Give the importance it deserves to the composition and quality of the food you eat, as well as to its properties and effects that they will have in health.

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