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These insect repellents effectively keep mosquitoes and ticks away

In spring, mosquitoes buzzing around disturb the pleasant hours outdoors. Ticks are now lurking in the grass again. The insects are not only annoying, but can also transmit diseases. Effective protection is therefore necessary. We’ve looked at the best insect repellents.

The most important things at a glance

Mosquitoes and ticks are crawling pests that are not only annoying, but can also be dangerous due to pathogens. You should therefore protect yourself from insects, especially when hiking on vacation, camping or at barbecues.

Both special anti-tick or mosquito sprays and combination preparations often contain the same active ingredients. Therefore, they usually repel ticks and mosquitoes alike for several hours. We feature some of the best insect repellents for every occasion and what to look out for when using the sprays.

Effective all round: insect repellent from Autan

Autan is probably the best-known manufacturer of mosquito repellents. The mosquito spray Multi Insect uses the active ingredient Icaridin (20 percent) to effectively repel mosquitoes, ticks and horseflies. It is also effective against stable flies and tiger mosquitoes and is effective for at least six to eight hours.

Autan’s mosquito repellent can be used for adults and children over the age of two. In addition to its effective and long-lasting effect, the price also speaks in favor of this insect repellent: Autan’s mosquito repellent is by far the cheapest of the mosquito repellents presented here.

Good to know

Autan’s tick and mosquito spray was formerly called Protection Plus Multi-Insect Protection and some of it can still be found under this name today. In the last insect repellent test by Stiftung Warentest in 2017, the spray was the test winner with an overall rating of “good (1.8)”.

Particularly effective against ticks: Anti Brumm Forte insect repellent

The insect repellent from Anti Brumm is also “good” in terms of protection against mosquito bites and against ticks according to the Stiftung Warentest. The 2017 testers especially praised the spray’s anti-tick protection.

This product uses the active ingredient diethyltoluamide (DEET, 30 percent), and the protection lasts for 6.5 to eight hours. The mosquito repellent is recommended by the Swiss Tropical Institute and is not only effective against domestic and tropical mosquitoes, but also against tiger mosquitoes.

Anti Brumm Forte is suitable for adults and children over the age of three. In addition, there is the spray from Anti Brumm tick stop, which despite its distinction as a pure tick repellent, is also effective as a mosquito repellent for at least six hours. Both Anti Brumm products are among the best insect repellents against ticks.

Ideal for camping: Nobite sprays for skin and clothing

Im Mosquito repellent for the skin by Nobite even 50 percent of the active ingredient DEET is used. The skin spray offers six hours of protection against ticks and around seven hours of protection against mosquito bites. At temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius, however, it must be applied every three hours to continue to provide effective protection.

According to the manufacturer, the insect repellent is a highly effective repellent for the tropics, but can also be used very well in this country. It is suitable for both adults and children over the age of two.

In addition, the manufacturer offers a Spray for clothes on: The agent is applied to textiles to protect them from insects, ticks and autumn grass mites for up to four weeks. The combination of both insect repellents is best suited for camping holidays or stays in the tropics.

For sensitive skin: Zedan natural spray lotion

The manufacturer Zedan also describes its product as a “bottle mosquito net”. It should provide effective protection against stings and bites from mosquitoes and ticks as well as wasps, horse flies and other insects. The spray contains neither Icaridin nor DEET, but geraniol, an extract from lemon eucalyptus (PMD) and essential oils.

This gives the mild spray lotion a fresh smell. It contains no alcohol, preservatives or synthetic fragrances. The vegan mosquito spray is the best insect repellent for people with sensitive skin in our comparison. Allergy sufferers should still pay attention to the exact ingredients.

Like most other sprays, Zedan SP Classic is suitable for adults and children and is said to keep insects away for several hours. For babies, the manufacturer recommends applying to clothing rather than skin.

Our tip for children’s skin

Are you looking for a mosquito repellent especially for children? For younger children and babies from six months, the manufacturer offers Doctan a remedy for children at. The spray lotion with Icaridin (20 percent) provides hours of protection against mosquitoes, ticks and horseflies, among other things.

Our conclusion on the best insect repellents

We recommend that Autan mosquito repellent, because it is effective against mosquitoes and ticks for several hours and is very good value for money. Anyone who is allergic to the skin spray due to the ingredient Icaridin, but tolerates diethyltoluamide (DEET), is with the Mosquito repellent from Nobite well advised. Especially for young children and babies is the Spray-Lotion von Doctan the best insect repellent.

Important questions about insect repellents

What is the best way to use insect repellent?

Active substances contained in mosquito and tick repellents can irritate the eyes or trigger allergic reactions. That’s why even the best insect repellent should be used as specifically as possible, for example right before a walk in the woods. After returning from nature, it can make sense to wash off the remains of the mosquito spray as a precaution.

The correct dosage is also important. The manufacturer’s information will help here. You spray the insect repellent in your hand and then spread it on your skin. The areas around the mouth and eyes should be avoided, with children the entire face and fingers.

In summer, sunscreen should be applied first and mosquito repellent should only be used after it has had an effect. If you are active in sports or on the go in the heat, the effectiveness of the agents decreases more quickly through sweat and you have to repeat the application earlier.

What active ingredients do insect repellents contain?

Most insect repellents contain either the active ingredient icaridin or diethyltoluamide (DEET). Both substances provide very effective protection against mosquitoes and ticks, but their use is also associated with risks. Diethyltoluamide can irritate the mucous membranes and eyes and trigger allergic reactions and should therefore not be used in high concentrations over a long period of time. DEET can also attack plastic surfaces, i.e. damage sunglasses, for example. Icaridin is considered to be more tolerable, but can irritate the eyes. For plastics, on the other hand, it is harmless.

Why is protection against mosquitoes and ticks necessary?

Mosquito bites are just as annoying as tick bites, but protection against diseases is even more important: certain mosquitoes can transmit diseases such as malaria or yellow fever, this is especially true in some travel regions, such as the tropics. With ticks, however, it can also be dangerous in this country. If protection against ticks does not work or only works unreliably, they can cause bacterial Lyme disease and tick-borne encephalitis (TBE), a meningitis caused by viruses. While one can protect oneself against TBE with a timely vaccination, this is not possible with Lyme disease, which can take a dangerous course. Effective protection against ticks should therefore not be dispensed with.

What else helps against mosquitoes and ticks besides insect repellents?

Basically, it is helpful to cover the body with clothing to protect it from insects. Ticks often lurk at knee height, sitting in tall grass and brushwood until a potential host brushes them off. Therefore, one should stay on the paths and avoid the undergrowth.

Help against mosquitoes in the apartment fly screen or mosquito nets. Ultrasonic devices and anti-mosquito bracelets are useless. In the bedroom, camping or on hammocks Mosquito nets can also be helpful. And fans can also keep mosquitoes away.

If you are still stung, you can stitch healer remedy. If you find a tick on your body, you should remove it as quickly and carefully as possible using curved steel tweezers or your fingernails close to the skin. If the proboscis gets stuck, it is best to have it removed by a doctor.

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