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These millions Trump has added in his campaign after accusation

  • Donald Trump is a former president of the United States, who has drawn attention for the work he did in his US government.

  • After the departure of Donald Trump, Joe Biden has had controversial popularity ratings.

  • Trump’s attempt to run for a new electoral process for the president of the United States.

The former president of the United States Donald Trump He has added millions of dollars, in his campaign attempt, to once again contain the presidential electoral process, which is coming up in the United States.

The electoral spirits are such that there is a study in charge of YouGovwhere the firm identified that 34 percent considered that they should run for the presidency of the United States in 2024, while 56 percent opted for Joe Biden to no longer run for re-election in his position.

“A survey conducted in March 2023 found that the majority of Americans would not want Joe Biden o Donald Trump will run for president again in the next election. The next presidential elections in the United States are scheduled for November 5, 2024”, explained Statista when exclusively presenting the previous study to platform subscribers.

Donald Trump and a million dollar accusation

After being accused in a court in Manhattan, New York, the former president of the United States would have added seven million dollars in his presidential campaign purse, with which he seeks to contain again for the position in the 2024 electoral process.

“This is political persecution and election interference at the highest level in American history. Since I was elected president of the United States, the most radical left-wing Democrats, who are the enemies of the working class in this country, have focused on a witch hunt, to kill the movement. Make America Great Again”, cites the statement published by Trump on his Facebook account on March 30, after having recovered his account and facing accusations in a New York court.

According to the member of the Trump campaign, Jason Millerin the last three days a historic number of supports was registered, since a US grand jury voted to proceed against the former president, for the alleged improper payment that he made to a porn star, who claims to have had an affair with the Republican.

It is important to see the spirit around the Trump campaign, not only with an interesting percentage of Americans, who interviewed say they want to see Trump as a candidate, the numbers reported by the alleged Republican campaign, where he has apparently added seven million dollars, attest to the phenomenon that has been registered in the political market, around personalities who realize how important communication has become on the political scene.

An excellent example in this regard we saw with the president of Russia, Vladimir Putinwho has faced international pressure for his intervention in the armed conflict in Ukraine.

After the fact, the Russian president has been the object of all kinds of international criticism and trials, either criticizing his presidential work or what he has carried out in the intervention within the Ukrainian armed conflict.

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