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These retirees who will earn more in 2023 thanks to government reform

This is THE great social promise of this text. While the Prime Minister, Élisabeth Borne detailed, this Tuesday, January 10, the content of the pension reform so dreaded by the French, a measure, which will relieve many French people, was taken by the executive: the revaluation of the minimum pension at 1200 euros for small pensions.

As a whole, the text will be discussed in Parliament from February for implementation on September 1, 2023. Among its main points, the postponement of the legal retirement age to 64 from 2030, the 43 years of contribution necessary from 2027, the end of special schemes or even the taking into account of the hardship of work.

As for future retirees with a “full career” (43 years in the long term), they will not be able to receive less than 85% of the Smic at the end of the month – or around 1200 euros gross – at the time of entry into force. of reform. Current retirees justifying the same criteria should also benefit from this increase, silencing recent rumors that only new retirees would ultimately be targeted by this device.

“In accordance with our commitment, employees and the self-employed, in particular craftsmen and traders, who have contributed all their life with income around the Smic will now leave with a pension of 85% of the net Smic, i.e. an increase of 100 euros per year. It’s almost 1,200 euros per month from this year, “said the head of government during her press conference. In addition “nearly two million small pensions” would thus be increased according to Elisabeth Borne. According to the Minister of Labour, Full Employment and Integration Olivier Dussopt, this revaluation will concern “200,000 new retirees each year”, or nearly one in four retirees. In May 2021, a report submitted to the former Prime Minister, Jean Castex, reported 5.7 million French people receiving a pension of less than 1,000 euros per month.

In his program for the race for the Élysée, the Head of State affirmed that “the minimum pension at the full rate” would be increased to 1200 euros per month if he were re-elected. Invited on TF1, on April 13 – in the interval between the two rounds of the presidential election – the president-candidate had reconsidered his ambition. “I want to be able to pass the minimum pension for our retirees who have a full career, for new retirees as well as for all those who are already retired.” And to add that this provision would concern “new retirees” but also “all those who […] are already retired”. Promise kept.

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