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They accuse that lies in the morning hide 4T failures

Claudia Salazar/ Reform Agency

Friday, December 23, 2022 | 07:18

CDMX.- Deputies from different parties pointed out that the false statements expressed by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador seek to hide the failure of results in his Government and create a “magical” reality that deceives Mexicans about their real situation.

They pointed out that citizens should have more reflection on the information they receive from the Executive and considered that sooner or later, towards the 2024 elections, the reality that the President has built with deception will fall.

Grupo REFORMA published that, according to the consulting firm Spin, an average of 94 false statements are made at press conferences. In a thousand mornings, 94 thousand untruthful expressions will have been given by the federal Executive.

The deputy of Movimiento Ciudadano, Salvador Caro, opined that the so-called Fourth Transformation is based only on the President’s lies.

“That is why it is the Fourth Degeneration, they have no support, the recurring lies are to hide the failure in matters of security, corruption, in matters of education, health, the environment, failure in all spheres of public life They seek to save him with recurring and repeated lies.

“I think people need to believe in something and since they don’t see options, they are believing the President’s lies, but there is still time for them to wake up and fall into reality,” said the Jalisco legislator.

He mentioned that many people do not have other sources of information and live in the midst of the economic crisis or insecurity, and only access the President’s recurring lies, so they do not have time to reflect on the falsehoods they hear.

“The President is abusing this situation, in the face of the security, economic, and corruption crises, there are distractors so that the lies of the 4T continue to be believed,” he said.

The coordinator of the PRD deputies, Luis Espinosa Cházaro, mentioned that López Obrador stayed in the campaign speech and resigned to govern and give results.

“People, especially those who are with him or are beneficiaries of the programs, fall into this demagoguery, in this ‘rolling up’, this making so much noise, and that is why the President’s numbers are accepted.

“But in the face of insecurity, the economy, inflation, sooner or later people will not believe that we are going very well, as the President says, or with the number of deaths that we have, those families that suffer do not have a good time,” said the PRD member .

He stressed that the President has the same acceptance as other former Presidents in the fourth year of his Government, for which reason he considered that at some point what has been built based on lies in the morning will collapse like a house of cards.

“I don’t think Mexicans are glued to the TV listening to the President for three hours, but what they pick up from there are lies, half-truths or modified truths, so people have to be much more analytical, they have to analyze the most basic statements by the President,” he stated.

The PAN deputy, Guillermo Huerta, pointed out that the President’s false statements represent a risk, because his Administration has been based on them, on what is said every morning the entire Government moves.

“It is a question of dissimulating, of making up, of imposing a reality in security, in health, in education in the economy.

“For example, during the pandemic, the Health Council was pushed aside and the lives of Mexicans were put at risk, and decisions were made that did not obey the reality of the country,” he mentioned.

In security, he commented, achievements are also reported, but there are other facts that tell you that another reality is lived in Zacatecas or Michoacán.

“The problems of poverty and lack of well-being continue, but they do not speak of a magical reality that has nothing to do with the magical realism of Gabriel García Márquez,” he opined.

He added that there are many people who do not want to acknowledge reality and do not believe that the President is lying, which is why his strategy has worked for López Obrador, which is why he maintains his popularity.

However, he specified, it is absurd that while the President has good levels of popularity in the polls, people report that the Government is doing badly or very badly in terms of the economy, security or health.

Huerta challenged the President to agree to undergo an evaluation of results in the Chamber of Deputies, based on the audits that the Superior Audit of the Federation will present in February on the Public Account of 2021, with which it will be seen what is the reality of the country to half of its government.

Salomón Chertorivski, from Movimiento Ciudadano, said that the Nobel Prize in Economics, Joseph Stiglitz, has said that all democracy requires “institutions of truth; that is, those that give us the real numbers, to start from them discussions, seek needs and know how we are doing.

“It’s not how many Mexicans you think there are, it’s INEGI with its census, and Conapo with its projections that tell us how many people live in the country. It’s not how many poor people you think there are, but Coneval, which with data from the National Survey Income-Expenditure gives us the number of poor.

“These institutions of truth are the ones that have to be the basis of serious public discussion in democracy, when that is lost there are other data. When you lie, the starting point to build plurality and democracy is simply broken,” he stressed. the deputy of MC.

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