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They accuse the Venezuelan government of generating ‘fake news’ with reporters created through Artificial Intelligence

The low credibility of the Venezuelan government is no secret to anyone when it comes to offering economic figures for its administration. Led by Nicolás Maduro, Chavismo has in Venezuelan Television (VTV) the main source of information for the population. So, the same people who oppose this regime give little importance to what is transmitted in their programming.

As with VTV, Venezuelans have identified the media that are supporters of the Nicolás Maduro regime. In an attempt to counteract this adversity, representatives of the Chavista government turned to Artificial Intelligence to gain credibility.

How they did it? according to review The country, they would have created a couple of reporters through machine learning mechanisms and made them report positive news related to the Caribbean nation. In fact, they made their own YouTube channel, in English, with the intention of having a better appearance on international territory.

The El País report indicates that the Venezuelan government used an Artificial Intelligence tool from the Synthesia software. With it he created two avatars that play newscasters named Noah and Daren.

The same faces of these avatars were seen in a disinformation campaign in favor of China, according to a complaint made in the New York Times, published by the aforementioned medium.

They made massive the videos on TikTok

El País explains in its note that the Venezuelan government would have included these videos in the advertisements that TikTok suggests. Later they added them to their official platforms, pretending to ignore them in a “so they see us outside” style.

The YouTube channel is called House Of News Spanish and has four published videos, of which three are related to Venezuela.

In two, the economic opportunities of the plains stand out. One focuses on the fact that the hotel capacity for the carnival holiday is completely full, on its paradisiacal beaches. While the other talks about the success in the organization of the Caribbean Series, which was held in two new stadiums in the Venezuelan capital.

The third speaks negatively of the opposition deputy of the National Assembly, Juan Guaidó, who proclaimed himself President of Venezuela in January 2019.

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