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They admit that the US immigration system is ‘broken’

USA.- The Secretary of Homeland Security of the United States, Alejandro Mayorkas, has admitted this Thursday that the immigration system of the country is “fundamentally broken”, thus acknowledging the difficulties that the Joe Biden administration faces before the end of Title 42, the last Immigration regulations approved by former President Donald Trump.

“We have done everything we could, with the resources we have and within the system in which we are operating,” Mayorkas has defended, who, however, has criticized that the Biden administration is “working within the limitations of a migration system fundamentally broken,” according to CNN.

The Secretary of Homeland Security has admitted that the US authorities do not have the resources they need, nor do they have the ones they have requested. In this way, the United States faces the end of the current immigration regulations and prepares for the entry into force of Title 8, a decades-old legislation.

Mayorkas appeared this Thursday before the media at the White House to admit that “the challenge is, and will be, very difficult”, also acknowledging that the Biden Administration will have to face a problem that “can only increase at this time of transition “.

“It will take a period of time for our approach to really gain traction and show results, and I have been very clear about it (…). But we know how to manage this tension, however difficult it may be,” the Secretary of Homeland Security has settled. .

On the other hand, Mayorkas has reported that the governor of Texas, the Republican Greg Abbott, ordered on Wednesday night the sending of a bus with fifty migrants on board to the residence of the vice president of the United States, Kamala Harris, in washington.

“It is a sad and tragic day when a government official uses migrants as a pawn for political purposes,” Mayorkas said, alluding to a strategy repeated in recent months by Abbott and other Republican Party leaders.

Both the governor of Texas and his Florida counterpart, Ron DeSantis, the main scourges of the Biden Administration, have sent migrants to states governed by the Democratic Party in recent months as a sign of affront to the White House’s immigration policies.

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