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They anticipate further increases in the price of meat; Bid for the 2030 World Cup; Disaster in Turkey; and more…

1 – Alberto Fernández meets with ministers and mayors in Olivos

The meeting is “to analyze management issues,” official sources reported, and it occurs after the President convened a political table of the Frente de Todos. I kept reading here…

2 – Electricity rates: how will the increases be in 2023

The Ministry of Energy assured that the maximum increases in electricity rates will be 36%. I kept reading here…

3 – They assure that there will be new increases in the price of meat

The president of the Chamber of Suppliers and Slaughterers (CAMyA) warned that meat “was very cheap during 2022.” I kept reading here…

4 – They accuse Milei of stealing the name of her party

A political leader from Entre Ríos claims to be the owner of the name “La Libertad Avanza” and denounces that the deputy refuses to dialogue; “He’s used to stealing and demanding,” she charged. I kept reading here…

5 – Argentina, Uruguay, Chile and Paraguay launch their candidacy to host the 2030 World Cup

Representatives of the four countries will participate in an act at the AFA premises in Ezeiza; against whom they compete and when it is defined. I kept reading here…

6 – A yellow alert is in effect for high temperatures in the City of Buenos Aires and eleven provinces

The maximum could reach 39 ° C, warned the National Weather Service. I kept reading here…

7 – Peru: at least 40 dead from an avalanche

The landslide, rocks and mud affected towns in southern Peru. Some 200 houses were destroyed and there are about 2,000 families affected. I kept reading here…

8 – A new earthquake shook Turkey while the search for people under rubble continues

This Monday the first earthquake of magnitude 7.7 occurred that also affected Syria. Now an aftershock of 5.4 was recorded. Countries like Argentina, China, Mexico, Russia and Venezuela send aid. In total there are about 5,000 deaths. I kept reading here…

9 – Fernández proposed that Bolivia join the candidacy for the 2030 World Cup

Argentina, Uruguay, Chile and Paraguay applied to host the 2030 World Cup and Alberto Fernández proposed that Bolivia join the joint candidacy for South America. I kept reading here…

10 – LP: “I always remember my first show in Argentina, it was exciting”

LP returns to Argentina on February 17 to give a show at Luna Park and in dialogue with he detailed how he is preparing to meet his audience again, which he described as “very passionate.” I kept reading here…

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