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They anticipate historic spill in Q. Roo for hosting services in 2023

Cancun, QR. The federal Tourism Secretariat (Sectur) anticipates that by 2023 Quintana Roo will capture 65,018 million pesos for lodging services, the highest figure in the history of the state, since it exceeds 10,149 million pesos in 2019, that is, before of pandemic.

According to the Income Analysis and Estimation of the Lodging Tax in Mexico 2019-2023 prepared by Sectur, by the end of this year at the national level an estimated 278,063 million pesos will be captured; of this total, Quintana Roo will have a 23.4% share, that is, more than double that of Jalisco, since it will be 9.2% and up to four times more than Nayarit of 5.8%, Baja California Sur of 5.5% and Mexico City of 5.2 percent. hundred.

In the analysis period, between 2019 and 2023, Quintana Roo maintains a similar level of participation in the country, since in 2019 of the 247,262 million estimated to have been captured, Quintana Roo contributed 22.2%, followed by Jalisco with 8.7 percent. hundred.

In 2020, the year of the pandemic, a national income for lodging services is estimated at 103,690 million pesos, of which Quintana Roo participated with 20.4% of the total, Jalisco with 9.4%, Nayarit with 5.8% and Baja California Sur with 5.6 percent.

For 2021, the national total is estimated at 169,357 million pesos; Quintana Roo contributed 22.8%, Jalisco 9.3%, Nayarit 5.6%, Baja California Sur 5.5% and Mexico City 5.2 percent.

Already in 2022, the year in which Quintana Roo established records in terms of air connectivity and passenger mobilization, national income of 249.813 million pesos was registered. The Mexican Caribbean contributed 23.1%, followed by Jalisco with 9.3 percent.

By 2023, if the expectation calculated by Sectur is met, the total national amount for hotel accommodation services would be 278,063 million pesos, of which Quintana Roo would participate with 23.4%, Jalisco with 9.2% and Nayarit with 5.8 percent. .

Currently, Quintana Roo is the entity with the largest hotel offer in the entire country with a total of 127,399 rooms, distributed in 1,331 hotels. At the end of 2022, the entity attracted 5.6 million American tourists and 1 million Canadians, which explains the large participation of the state in the national income from tourism.


The study prepared by Sectur establishes that between 2019 and 2021 hotel services should have generated a total of 10,872 million pesos for Lodging Tax, which represents a gap with respect to what was theoretically entered, since the calculation showed which should have captured 16,509 million pesos.

Despite the differential detected between what was collected against the expectation for the 2019-2021 period, Quintana Roo, Baja California Sur, Baja California and Mexico City collected 6,548 million pesos, an amount 350 million more than the estimated result of the tax, “which reflects a fiscal behavior of 106%, according to a national average rate,” the study reads.

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