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They anticipate meteor shower for the weekend; places to “make a wish”

They anticipate meteor shower for the weekend;  places to "make a wish"

CALIFORNIA- The Perseid meteor shower is one of the most anticipated by astronomers and lovers of the sky, because when conditions allow it is possible to see between 50 and 100 shooting stars (meteors) per hour.

Bill Cooke, who heads NASA’s Meteoroid Environment Office, said that this year “at least 40 Perseids are expected to be observed in the hour just before sunrise on peak nights. That’s about one every two minutes,” according to records. in it NASA website.

Unlike last year’s meteor shower, this one will be mostly visible because for the weekend of August 12 and 13, where its peak is expected, the waning moon will allow even the weakest meteors to be appreciated.

The Perseid meteor shower can be seen best in the northern hemisphere and it is recommended to look for places far from urban areas to be able to observe the phenomenon. In the cities it is possible to see 10 or less during an hour, indicates the NASA blog.


As explained by the NASA site, a meteor is what is commonly known as a shooting star and with which the superstitious make wishes.

A meteorite is a space rock—or meteoroid—that enters Earth’s atmosphere. “As the space rock falls toward Earth, the resistance—or friction—of the air makes it extremely hot. So that trail isn’t the rock itself, but the hot air that glows as the hot rock passes through the Earth.” atmosphere,” explains the NASA website.

Said meteor shower is caused by debris and what is left behind by Comet Swift-Tuttle. The last time it passed close to Earth was in 1992, but it was too faint to be seen with the naked eye. The next step will be in 2126.


The best places to observe the spectacle of shooting stars are always places with clear and dark skies, away from noise and light pollution.

  • Meteors can usually be seen all over the sky.
  • The Perseid or any other shower is possible to see from 10 pm onwards, most often after midnight.
  • Patience is required and if necessary have a chair or blanket.
  • No telescope needed. Your own observation is enough.

One of the recommended places to appreciate the meteor shower is national parks and any site in the Sierra Nevada of California.

Death Valley and Joshua Tree National Parks offer a great environment to enjoy the Perseids. A publication by @visit_joshuatree invites you to visit the venue, which will keep its doors open 24 hours a day and no reservation is required.

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