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They anticipate more travelers for Independence Day. How to save?

They anticipate more travelers for Independence Day. How to save?

MIAMI.- Despite inflation, which is beginning to subside, and the instability of the price of gasoline, the predictions anticipate more tripsWith more people traveling this year over the Independence Day weekend from Friday June 30 to Tuesday July 4, you need to know what to do and how to save.

According to the report published by the American Automobile Association (AAA), about 2.8 million Floridians will travel 50 miles or more. That would be 87,000 more than the record set last year.

Nationally, travel figures are also expected to set a record.

Some 50.7 million Americans are forecast to travel over the holiday weekend. That’s nearly 2.1 million more travelers than those booked for last year’s vacation and nearly 1.8 million more than the previous high, set in 2019.

“Independence Day weekend appears to be the continuation of what has already been a very strong summer travel season,” the AAA report noted.

Even though plane tickets and hotel accommodations are more expensive than last year, many are eager to travel.

Therefore, “expect to see congested roads, busy hotels and long lines at airports and attractions,” he added.

In Florida, more than 2.4 million are forecast to take a road trip, or 37,000 more than last year, while 219,823 will take a plane to reach their destination.

For the country, AAA predicts that 43.2 million people will drive to their destinations and 4.2 million will do so by air.

Gasoline price?

The price of gasoline has been stable in recent weeks, and if we compare it with the same time last year, we will notice $1.42 less per gallon.

The average price of gasoline in Florida was $4.54 per gallon on July 4, 2022.

When to travel?

According to the AAA report, Friday June 30 is expected to be the busiest day by road.

The best time to travel by road will be in the afternoon or evening.

To avoid the most congestion, the report recommends that drivers leave in the morning or after 6:00 p.m.


These days you pay 40% or 50% more for a plane ticket, but the data shows that not even the price increase prevents the sale of air tickets, which denotes a certain degree of confidence in the country’s economy after long months of moderate inflation.

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