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They apprehend two suspects of raping a Mexican woman in the center of Paris

La turista mexicana fue agredida sexualmente por cinco sujetos en el llamado Campo Marte, explanada arbolada cercana a la Torre Eiffel en París, Francia. Foto A

Paris. Two men were arrested in France on suspicion of gang-raping a Mexican tourist near the Eiffel Tower in Paris early Thursday morning, the city’s prosecutor’s office announced yesterday.

“Two individuals were arrested” on Thursday “in the framework of an investigation for gang rape” for acts “committed to the detriment of a woman, a tourist, of Mexican origin” in the Champ de Mars, said the Paris prosecutor’s office. “The investigation continues,” she said.

according to the newspaper le parisien, the 27-year-old girl was the victim of a group of five men, so three others would still be looking for. The prosecution did not confirm this information.

The Champ de Mars is a long wooded esplanade that is to one side of the Eiffel Tower.

While many city parks close overnight, the Campo de Marte can be accessed at any time.

The alleged attack increased pressure on the mayoress of Paris, Anne Hidalgo (socialist), to close the esplanade overnight for security reasons.

“How many sexual assaults and rapes does Anne Hidalgo expect (to have) before agreeing to close the Champ de Mars at night so that Parisians and tourists are safe?” Rachida Dati reacted on the social network X (former Twitter). local leader of the conservative party Los Republicanos (opposition) and mayoress of the VII district of the capital, where the Eiffel tower is located.

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