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They are criminals, not politicians

They are criminals, not politicians

We have suffered it time and again. The innocence of the people, the careful and long-term planning of the communists to seize power, was previously done by force of arms, now by ballot boxes. Once in power, they begin to change the laws, the political, economic and cultural structures. The politicians of the parties of freedom strive to counteract the false narrative of these unscrupulous creatures, they challenge them with the law, with reason, with the electoral contest, with politics. Time and again we see it, there are no results. What are we doing wrong, we lovers of freedom, of the market, of the limited state, of organic solidarity through the natural institutions of society?

In my opinion we have failed because we have not gone to the root of the problem. We know that they seek power, we know that they lie, that they have no moral limits, that they create favorable scenarios, the chaos that is necessary in order to act as saviors of the world, of the poor, of the so often marginalized.

But the mistake is in the classification. Since their origins, the communist parties, the socialist parties (socialism is the precursor to communism, let us not forget), the green parties, the progressive parties, whatever they want to call themselves, have distanced themselves from what could be defined as a political party, although they present themselves as such.

Traditional political parties, or even the most modern ones, do not break the rules of the democratic game, they respect the sovereign decisions of the people, and they strive to win votes and be able to promote the policies they believe in.

The communists, on the other hand, do not respect the laws and rules. Once in power, they create the conditions of rigidity to trap the people in a kind of permanent kidnapping, where they apply the Stalinist technique of artificial dialectics, that macabre tool of manipulation with which they swing the country pendulum-wise from total ostracism to a slight opening, to return again to ostracism. In this way, the people become confused and expect a change that will never come from the top.

We have just seen what happened in Venezuela, and we have witnessed much the same thing elsewhere.

They are not politicians, they are criminals. They do not want power to carry out measures that represent some kind of political and social vision, they want power to kidnap people, enslave them physically and spiritually, and live like landowners, owners of the riches of that kidnapped nation.

Along the way, they create interests, blackmail part of the true political class, and turn these kidnapped towns into tax havens for money laundering, into transit routes for drug and human trafficking, into open spaces where international scum: terrorists, drug traffickers, rapists, pedophiles, thieves, arms traffickers, can feel protected to do harm at will.

If we continue to call them political parties, candidates, presidents, congressmen, we are playing within the board that was provided to us without us realizing it.

We already have a few criminals in political power in our hemisphere. Petro, a communist guerrilla in Colombia; Lula da Silva, a convicted thief in Brazil; Daniel Ortega, a corrupt communist guerrilla in Nicaragua; Nicolás Maduro, a murderer, drug trafficker and thief; Raúl Castro, a murderer, drug trafficker and trainer of terrorists in Cuba and around the world. The list is sadly long.

These uniformed, suited criminals will not respect anything other than their ambition for power and destruction.

You have to take them for what they are.

We, the people, must learn to identify these rogues as soon as they emerge in universities, or are recruited by the network of international communism, now in collaboration with the largest international corporations.

They cannot be cooperated with, they cannot be allowed to do anything at all in the political field. They must be countered with all the weapons that civil and non-violent struggle has at its disposal, but the most effective is non-cooperation. The pillars or foundations from which they stand must be shattered in order to destroy nations.

Until we understand the true nature of these monsters, we will continue to suffer, our strategies will not bear fruit, and we will not succeed in eradicating them like a malignant cancer from where they have enthroned themselves. And once they are out of the bodies of the people, we will declare them criminals, perpetrators of the worst crimes against humanity. They are not politicians, they are criminals. When we understand this, we will be able to deal better with this gang of criminals.

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