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They are going to enjoy freedom

They are going to enjoy freedom

CARACAS.- The slogan “Freedom, freedom, freedom” resonated with force this Sunday, June 14, at the Central University of Venezuela (UCV), despite the fact that the rector Víctor Rago prohibited the celebration of the event of the candidate of the democratic opposition, Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutiaand the opposition leader Maria Corina Machadowith university students and young activists.

The energy, enthusiasm and hope for a political change that would guarantee a future for Venezuelan youth was felt from the early hours of the day in the country’s main educational institution, which, as its motto says, “overcame the shadows”with the massive participation of young people who ratified their support for the democratic alternative, represented by the duo Machado – González Urrutia, in view of the presidential elections of 28 of July.

The Plaza del Rectorado, considered the “heart of the UCV”, beat with the roar of the youth who exclaimed at the top of their lungs: “We must vote, we must vote, we must vote to remove Nicolás”, “You can see it, you can feel it, Edmundo is president” and “This government is going to fall”.

To young people from UCV: “You encourage us”

The UCV welcomed the opponents with the joy and emotion that characterizes young Venezuelans, for the celebration of the event called “Back home”. “The presence of all of you encourages us to continue forward. It is in events like this that I am I feel proudly a Ucevista“, said the opposition standard-bearer, who graduated from that school 53 years ago.

González Urrutia expressed his enthusiasm for the electoral movement that he leads together with Machado, which “has been growing day after day” and with which he predicts a victory on July 28.

“Let there be no doubt that we will do our best for you. get a top university as it was in previous years, in a Venezuela where there will be no political prisoners,” he said.

“Enjoy freedom”

Two weeks before the presidential elections, Machado urged young people to become “heroes of the vote”going out to vote massively with “the hope and awareness that we are making history.”

He stated that this generation, born under the Chavista regime, is “unique and exceptional”since even though they have only lived through a “collapsed State” and have never known democracy, “they have not stopped fighting for it.”

“As a generation that has never known democracy, you are so exceptional that you have not stopped fighting for it. You have risked your lives, you have lost comrades, you have seen many leave and Here they are, standing and determined to give it their all (…) A generation, paradoxically fortunate, that He was born and raised in tyranny but he will enjoy freedom“, he emphasized.

Source: With information from social networks

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