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They are least affected by AI development

There is more and more talk about a job market where AI has an obvious place. New technology can already write program code and texts that maintain high quality. Daniel Gillblad, research leader at AI Sweden, believes that certain professional groups need to start adjusting and learning the new tools, otherwise they risk being left out.

– Those who work with programming or with text in different ways will have to adjust and use the tools that are available, he says.

But not all jobs are equally affected by AI development. Preschool teachers and assistant nurses do not need to worry about being completely replaced by AI, says Daniel Gillblad.

– A demanding job in terms of human relations is more difficult to replace, he says.

Increased focus on low-wage occupations

Stefan Axelsson at Stockholm University agrees.

– A robot at a preschool would have difficulty taking care of a child. But staff will be able to get help with routine administration of AI, he says.

Professions in care and social care are dominated by women and salaries are often low. Daniel Gillblad believes that there may be an increased focus on precisely the characteristics that AI does not have in the future – but whether this is reflected in salaries or not, he says, is difficult to speculate on.

– We can hope so, if there will be more important professions in society, he says.

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