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They are looking for relatives of a woman found dead on March 24

Juarez City.- The Special Prosecutor’s Office for Attention to Women Victims of Crime for Gender Reasons and to the Family (FEM) North Zone requested the collaboration of the community to find relatives of a woman, whose lifeless body was located on March 24, in the intersection of Isla Irlanda and Isla Hong Kong streets in the Plutarco Elías Calles neighborhood in Ciudad Juárez.

At the time of the discovery, she was wearing a blue jacket, a purple shirt, a white bra, black leggings, black pants, black and white sports shoes, and gray socks.

He is approximately 30 to 35 years old, approximately 1.55 meters tall, fair complexion, dark complexion, long dark brown hair, brown eyes, small nose, medium base convex, thin lips, medium mouth.

According to the autopsy carried out, this person died due to violent circumstances, for which reason an investigation is open in this regard to determine his cause and approximate time of death and he remains in the Forensic Medical Service (SEMEFO), awaiting his identification. official way and demanded by their relatives.

Any information that helps to establish your identity, please go to the facilities of the Specialized Prosecutor for Women located at Zaragoza Boulevard #672, in the Salvárcar neighborhood or you can contact the number (656) 629-33-00 extension 50802.

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