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They are on another level! Maximiliano and Vicente among the 10 most registered names of 2022

Maximiliano and Vicente are two of the 10 most registered male names nationwide during the year 2022.

© ArchiveMaximiliano and Vicente are among the most registered names in Chile in 2022

During the week, the Civil Registry revealed the most common names registered in Chile during 2022. Thus, it stands out that among the men, the eighth place is for Vicente, while the ninth is occupied by Maximiliano. Coincidence or not, two players from the Colo Colo team of honor are called that way.

It’s almost a given. At the national level, Colo Colo represents more than a sports institution. And it is that, when the Eternal Champion has players who are outstanding at a national or international level, the children registered under the name of those figures grow in number in the country.

This is what happened in the 1990s, where after winning the Copa Libertadores, the names of Mirko, after the Colo Colo coach who led him to glory or that of Marcelo Pablo, after Barticciotto, one of the great figures of that squad and idol of the institution, they were installed among those favored by parents from Colocolina.

In the 21st century, it was the turn of Matías Ariel, a tribute to the one who guided the Cacique to an international final and who was also chosen in 2006 as the Best Player in America. The names of two scorers who made history with the Eternal Champion also appeared, such as Lucas Barrios and Esteban Paredes.

Now it’s up to Maximiliano and Vicente. The defender arrived at one of the most difficult sporting moments for Colo Colo and over time he became a fundamental pillar and one of the fans’ most beloved players. The other, youth squad, son of an idol and with a great football future.

It is worth mentioning that from the public service they detailed that during 2022, a total of 1,563 children were registered with the name of Vicente and 1,558 with that of Maximiliano.

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