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They arrest a young man armed with a machete next to the US Capitol

They arrest a young man armed with a machete next to the US Capitol

MIAMI.- The Police United States Capitol He detained a 23-year-old young man after approaching the entrance to the complex that houses the headquarters of the Congress of the North American country armed with a machete and a knife.

The agents indicated that the suspect, who was identified as José Leonardo Márquez, was in the vicinity “pacing back and forth” and that he subsequently proceeded to sit on a ledge on the east façade of the building. Capitol.

An agent approached Márquez, who was also carrying a brick, according to a statement from the Capitol Police itself. The agent in question, who soon noticed that he was also hiding several weapons, called for reinforcements.

At the moment it is unknown if his objective was to attack members of Congress and he has been accused of carrying a knife and possession of “prohibited weapons”, according to the text, which points out that it is “one more example of the strong intuition of the agents”.

“I am proud of our police officers who work to keep everyone safe at the Capitol,” said Tom Manger, Chief of the Capitol Police.

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