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They arrest Matteo Messina Denaro, ‘godfather’ of Cosa Nostra

Rome Italy.- The most wanted mobster in Italy, the Sicilian Matteo Messina Denaro, a fugitive for 30 years and known for being a bloodthirsty godfather, was arrested in Palermo, Sicily, as part of a major police operation.

“Today, January 16, the carabinieri (…) detained the fugitive Matteo Messina Denaro inside a health facility in Palermo where he had gone for clinical therapy,” said the general of the carabinieri, Pasquale Angelosanto. , to the AGI agency.

The “godfather” of the mafia was on the list of the world’s most wanted criminals as the leader of the powerful criminal organization Cosa Nostra, specializing in drug trafficking, prostitution, extortion and money laundering.

The face of the mafia leader is almost unknown and is based on reconstructions made through computers.

Messina Denaro, 60 years old, known for his extreme evil, boasted that he could “fill an entire cemetery” with his victims, including a teenager, the son of a repentant mobster, whom he ordered to be dissolved in acid.

The “capo of the capos”, as they called him, replaced Salvatore “La Bestia” Riina, captured in 1993 and deceased in November 2017.

The Sicilian mafia leader is also suspected of ordering the 1993 bombings in Rome, Milan and Florence that killed 10 people just months after Cosa Nostra assassinated anti-mafia judges Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino in similar attacks.

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