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They arrested a false doctor who was attending without a title at her home in City Bell

A woman was arrested this Thursday afternoon, accused of practicing medicine despite not having a license. According to police sources informed complaint began days ago after one of his patients noticed a certain “lack of interest in the clinical picture he had”so he decided to change professionals.

According to the spokespersons, the new doctor asked her who had previously cared for her and, upon hearing her name, he was surprised not to know her. Given this, and taking into account the lack of interest in the patient, the doctor decided to file the complaint. After initiating the corresponding investigation, members of the DDI certified that the person involved did not have an enabling title.

Given this, an order was given to search his home at 466 (ex 10) corner 21, where the authorities seized a block of pink prescriptions for psychoactive drugs and another for IOMA. In addition, he was apprehended.

For its part, the Public Prosecutor’s Office endorsed the procedure and ordered the formal notification of the case classified as “falsification or adulteration of documents and usurpation of titles and honors”. Hours later and by application of Article 161 of the Criminal Procedure Code, he was released.

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