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They ask for help to locate a young Cuban whose whereabouts are unknown in Miami


Relatives in Cuba of a young man whose whereabouts are unknown in Miami have asked for help to try to locate him.

“This person is wanted in Miami, Hialeah; “He responds to the name of Raykel Carmona Cabrera, his family does not know his whereabouts or the state in which he is.”user Laiset Santiesteban Ramírez wrote in the Facebook group “Cubans in Miami” to help the family.

The source – who did not detail when Raykel was last seen – explained that any information “will be very helpful”, since The young man’s mother is desperate in Cuba and has no one in the United States to help her in the search.

Anyone with any information can contact Pastor Leonardo Caballero in the United States at 7868538006 or on Facebook with Maribel Cabrera, Raykel’s mother.

Facebook screenshot/Laiset Santiesteban Ramírez

The cell phone number in Cuba of the young man’s mother is +53 5 8312643.

Although the complaint was made on social networks since December 11, to date nothing is known about Raykel’s whereabouts.

In the comments section of the publication someone claimed to have seen him in Miami Beach, but two months ago.

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